Instruments, machines and accessories for industrial laboratory, measuring and control devices


On line on our YOUTUBE channel you can find the video of flexural bending machines MOR5 series

On line on our YOUTUBE channel you can find the video of flexural bending machines MOR5 series

MACHINES FOR FLEXURAL BREAKING LOAD AND MODULUS OF RUPTURE TESTS MOR/5-TS series Indispensable for producers of ceramic floor and wall tiles when checking production processes and finished products. Fleximeter can also be used by producers of sanitaryware, tableware and technical porcelain; in research labs, in Technical and University labs, and wherever it is necessary to determine the flexural breaking load of a large number of different raw materials, broken down into sizes that can be positioned on the machines. Standardized devices for determining the flexural breaking load and modulus of green or fired ceramic tiles without using any additional accessory. Our Flexiometer is according to the UNI EN ISO 10545-4 norm.
AllFor Tiles 14-15 Luglio 2021

AllFor Tiles 14-15 Luglio 2021

Ceramic Instruments is happy to announce its presence at AllFor Tiles 2021 which will take place at the Modena exhibition center on July 14th and 15th. The convention, now in its second edition, is aimed at machines, accessories, services and consultancy for the ceramic industry. Fresh from participation in Achema Pulse, Ceramic Instruments will bring to AllFor Tiles the latest news regarding laboratory instruments and machines.
ACHEMA PULSE starts on June 2021

ACHEMA PULSE starts on June 2021

Throughout the month of June and with the live digital event scheduled on June 15 and 16, ACHEMA PULSE will offer the opportunity to learn about the latest trends and establish new contacts with high-level sessions, discussions and conferences, as well as interactive training moments. Come to visit our digital portal